This policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) has been developed regarding the processing of data carried out by Individual Entrepreneur Petrova Anastasiya (registered address: Georgia, Tbilisi, Samgori district, police lane I, N5, floor 2, N 4a) when you (hereinafter referred to as the User) use the mobile application "Diaverse" (hereinafter referred to as the Application).

When terms like "we", "us", "our", and so on are used in this Policy, it refers to the Administration of the "Diaverse" application.

In the Policy we address you as a User of our Application.
To ask a question or leave feedback regarding data protection or the processing of your data, contact the person responsible for information protection at the following email address:

What is this Policy about?

In the Privacy Policy, we specify the purposes for which we collect and process information about you, how we ensure its confidentiality and security.

By registering (authorizing) in the Application and continuing to use it, the User agrees to its terms. In case of disagreement with the terms of this Policy, the use of the Application should be immediately discontinued.

This Policy is posted on the website: and governs the collection, use, processing, and protection of information about the Users of the Application.

The current version of the Policy, which is a public document, is available to any Internet user by following the link:

The administration of the Application has the right to make changes to this Policy. In order to familiarize themselves with the current version of the Policy, Users are recommended to regularly review the text of this Policy. The User's continued use of the Application after changes and/or additions to this Policy implies acceptance and agreement of the User with such changes and/or additions.

We collect and process only the data that is necessary for the purposes specified in the Policy, and only with your consent.

What data do we collect about you and why?

The Administration of the Application processes information about Users in order to fulfill the obligations of the Application Administration towards Users in relation to the use of the Application functionality.

We do not verify the accuracy of the data provided by the User. The Application Administration assumes that you provide accurate and sufficient data, update it in a timely manner, and have the necessary legal capacity to provide your data.
Privacy Policy
Publication Date: July 9, 2024
Data from accounts and messengers

When creating an account in the Application for the first time, you have several registration options.

Logging in to Telegram: The Application uses authorization through the Telegram messenger when using the Telegram bot ( to allow Users to create and log into their account using their Telegram credentials. If you choose this method of authorization, you grant us permission to collect basic information from your Telegram profile, such as your first and last name, profile picture, and username. This information is collected by Telegram and provided to us in accordance with the terms of the Telegram Privacy Policy.

If you register in the Application using Telegram, the Application will only exchange data with Telegram that you provided to Telegram when creating an account with them.

How do we store and process your data?

User data is stored exclusively on electronic media of the Administration of the Application and processed using automated systems, except in cases where non-automated processing of personal data is required to comply with legal requirements.

How do we ensure the security of personal data?

We do not transfer or disclose your data to third parties, ensure their protection from complete or partial loss, prevent unauthorized access to them. The administration of the Application takes technical and organizational-legal measures to ensure the protection of the User's personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions.
To do this, we use all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of data as required by law, and constantly update them taking into account the latest technological developments.

This Policy does not apply to actions and internet resources of third parties.
The Administration of the Application is not responsible for the actions of third parties who, as a result of using the Application, have access to User information, or for the consequences of using information that, due to the nature of the Application, is available to any User. The Administration of the Application recommends that Users approach the decision on the amount of information about themselves placed in the Application responsibly.

The protection of the confidentiality of your data is a fundamental principle of our Policy. We apply security measures to protect against misuse, loss, and/or alteration of personal information under our control. At the same time, we want to draw the User's attention to the fact that the Administration of the Application cannot provide 100% guarantees that unauthorized use, loss, or alteration of your information will never occur, but we make every reasonable effort to prevent such cases.

In order to ensure security measures and safeguard your data, the Application Administration:

  • Develops its own internal policies and procedures to implement measures for the protection of User information;

  • Grants access to data only to a limited number of individuals—only those Application Administration employees who require it to perform their official duties;

  • Does not process data for purposes not specified in this Policy;

  • Monitors compliance by Application Administration employees with internal procedures and rules regarding the processing and protection of information;

  • Ensures that individuals with access to personal data are familiar with the current legislation on the processing and protection of personal data;

  • Restricts access to information resources and facilities where User data is processed;

  • Utilizes antivirus tools within the personal data security system;

  • Appoints a person responsible for information protection (you may contact this person at the following email address:;

  • Conducts regular risk assessments related to the processing of personal data;

  • Conducts internal investigations to identify instances of unauthorized access to personal data.

How long do we keep your information?

We retain your information for as long as it is necessary for the purposes outlined in this Policy, unless a longer retention period is required by law. Generally, your data is stored until you decide to delete your account in the Application or for the period required by law to fulfill legal obligations.None of the data processing purposes stated in this Policy require us to retain your personal information for longer than the period during which Users have an account in the Application.

When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymise such information, or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.

What rights do you have?

During the storage period of your personal data, you have the right to exercise the following rights in the field of personal data:

Right of access
You can request a copy of your personal data in electronic format that we process by submitting a request.

Right to rectification
You can ask us to correct your data if it is inaccurate (incomplete or inaccurate)

Right of withdrawal
You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data if you do not want us to process them further. Consent can be revoked by deleting your account in the Application or by submitting a request.

Right to be forgotten
You can request the removal of your data from our databases. This is possible in all cases, except when we are legally required to store this data. If your data is necessary for the performance of a contract, then deletion of this data may make it impossible to fulfill the contract in the future.
You can also contact us at any time with a request to clarify other rights guaranteed to you under the data protection laws of your country of residence.

Are data being collected on minors?

The application administration consciously does not collect and use personal data of individuals under the age of 18. When creating an account in the Application, you must confirm that you are at least 18 years old or that your parents (legal representatives) have agreed that you can use the Application.

If you are located within the EU, you may only use the Application if you are of the appropriate age to give explicit consent for the processing of your data in accordance with the laws of your country, or if you have the consent of your parent or legal representative.

If you are a parent (legal representative) and have discovered that your child (ward) is using the Application without your permission, or if you have a specific question about data privacy in the Application, you can contact us with a request.

The procedure for introducing changes to the Policy

The administration of the Application reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in legislation, our data collection, and usage practices.

Please periodically check this page for changes to see if it has been revised since your last visit. If we make any changes to this Privacy Policy that we consider significant to your consent to data processing, we will notify you.

The dominant language of the Privacy Policy

We also use professional translators and proofreaders for the most accurate translation of our documents and messages, including this Privacy Policy into English. However, please understand that we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of all our translations, particularly regarding any legal content. Please note that the Russian version of this Privacy Policy is the original version, which prevails over any other versions in case of discrepancies with the English version.

How can you contact us?

For any questions regarding data processing and to exercise your rights, including the right to stop data processing, withdraw consent for their processing, you can contact us via email at

When contacting us, please provide your name and contact information so we can identify you and determine whether we are processing your data.

We will respond to your inquiry within 10 business days of receiving it.